Outrance is a full-contact medieval combat where armoured fighters engage in intense one-on-one battles using strikes, grappling, and ground fighting techniques—including punches, kicks, and weapon strikes. It tests combatants' skill and endurance in international tournaments.
Outrance is a full-contact medieval combat discipline where armoured fighters engage in intense one-on-one battles, employing a combination of strikes, grappling, and ground fighting techniques. This category allows for a wide array of combat methods, including punches, kicks, and weapon strikes, providing a comprehensive test of a combatant's skill and endurance. Outrance bouts are governed by specific regulations to ensure safety and fairness, with detailed rules available in the official Buhurt International rule book. This discipline is featured in various tournaments, such as the Pacific Cup 2024 and the Iron Challenge 2024, offering fighters the opportunity to showcase their prowess in a highly competitive environment.